Monday, October 4, 2010

Life part 1

I am 32 this year. What have i achieved so far? If I were to look back, there are so many things that I regretted. "Regret" a word that has been on my mind lately... and why? why i didn't do this and that... is there's nothing worth to be proud with my life...

The only good memory was when i was in primary or secondary school, i did great,,,good in studies, good in art, english and was quite active in school activities...i guess back then i was not prepared to face the bigger competition i.e university and working life...i thought i will sail through it just like when i was in school...

Enter college, studied business coz i thought that i will venture into my own business. Funny, I failed business math in the 1st semester itself. It was the 1st sign of many troubles ahead...Well, i dont hate math, i just afraid of confused me. People say those who are good in art are normally not good in math...i'm the living proof...i met my husband in college...not going to talk about my love life right now...

I graduated after 3 years, not with flying colours of course. Most of my friends continued Degree and i didnt. Why? I asked that question myself only after 5 years into working life. My family is kind of poor, well we eat well but not so much for education. Nobody told me about PTPTN not even my parent. Well i didnt ask either. Coz i was so focus on getting a job and earn money. Back then, you can survive with diploma. But nowadays, degree is a must. I was so ignorant by the fact on how IMPORTANT a degree is for my future. Still i did nothing, i had money back then, from my bonus, but i spent them all. This was all prior to 2009.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

bubur durian

--- setelah lama teringin nak makan durian, akhirnya dapat juga merasa...walaupun sudah di jadikan bubur...tak mengapa asalkan durian...

Resipi Bubur Durian Amai

Kacang hijau
Santan Pekat

1. Rebuskan kacang hijau sehingga lembut.
2. Kemudian masukkan sagu sehingga kembang.
3. Masukkan santan.
4. Masukkan gula secukup rasa.
5. Masukkan durian

Mari mencuba.

Friday, July 23, 2010


Hi, welcome to my blog...not much to write today. But I'll be back...luv